
Third-Party Monitoring LTA for UNFPA in Syria

17 November 2024

i-APS has a long term agreement contract to provide third-party monitoring (TPM) services for UNFPA-funded facilities in Syria. Under the contract, i-APS oversees critical areas of monitoring: sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) services. Our responsibilities include on-site and Post Distribution Monitoring of dignity kits and cash assistance, as well as conducting inventory spot-checks for UNFPA-supported activities. Further, i-APS conducts Last Mile Monitoring of UNFPA activities.

i-APS has played a crucial role in ensuring the effective and transparent implementation of UNFPA-funded initiatives in the region. Our comprehensive monitoring efforts, which include on-site assessments, inventory verification, and quality control measures, help maintain high standards in SRH and GBV services. By fostering accountability and promoting transparency, i-APS has contributed to the overall success of UNFPA's programs in Syria.